The protest will take place tomorrow(3/11/2011) from 5pm to 6.30pm at the following locations in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor: Jalan Raja Laut; Jalan Barat (Petaling Jaya); Rawang (near Perodua); Shah Alam (near Proton); Seksyen 15 (Shah Alam); Bukit Raja; Teluk Panglima Garang (Banting).Other locations are: MTUC Building, Ipoh, Perak; Jalan Perai, Penang (near the Prai industrial estate); Kedah; Jalan Ayer Keroh, Malacca.Seremban, Negeri Sembilan; Jalan Sekudai, Johor Baru, Johor; Kota Baru, Kelantan (in front of the Federal Building); Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu (field near Pantai Batu Buruk); Kuantan, Pahang (field in front of Pahang State Mosque).It will be held at the Sultan Iskandar Building in Kuching, Sarawak, and the Tang Shopping Complex in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
17 venues of MTUC protest 0n 3/11/2011 to show discontent over amendments to Employment Act
Don’t legalize discrimination at work place (Free Malaysia Today, 28/10/2011)
Don’t legalize discrimination at work place
Confederation (ITUC), representing 175 million workers in 153 countries and territories and has 308 national affiliates.
Discontinue policy
Malaysia Must Protect Worker and Union Rights, and withdraw proposed unjust amendments to Employment Act - Labour Suppliers Should Not Be Employers
Friday, October 28, 2011
Withdraw unjust proposed amendments to Employment Act , says 107 groups
Withdraw unjust proposed amendments to Employment Act
- Abra Migrant Workers Welfare Association – Hong Kong (AMWWA)
- Abra Tinguian Ilocano Society – Hong Kong (ATIS-HK)
- ALIRAN, Malaysia
- All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Malaysia
- Asian Migrants Center (AMC), Hong Kong
- Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC), Hong Kong
- Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM)
- Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
- Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body – Hong Kong (AMCB)
- Association for Community Development-ACD, Bangladesh
- Association of Concerned Filipinos in Hong Kong (ACFIL-HK)
- Association of Indonesia Migrant Workers in Indonesia (ATKI-Indonesia)
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
- BAYAN Hong Kong
- Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) Asia Pacific
- Burma Campaign, Malaysia
- Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
- Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
- Center for Indonesian Migrant Workers (CIMW)
- Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR)
- Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC)
- Coordination of Action Research on Aids and Mobility (CARAM-ASIA)
- Committee for Asian Women (CAW)
- Community Action Network (CAN), Malaysia
- Confederation of Voluntary Associations (COVA), Hyderabad, India
- Cordillera Alliance Hong Kong (CORALL-HK)
- Democratic Party For A New Society (DPNS), Burma
- Dignity International, Malaysia
- Education and Research Association for Consumers Malaysia (ERA Consumer Malaysia)
- Filipino Friends Hong Kong (FFHK)
- Filipino Migrants Association – Hong Kong (FMA)
- Filipino Migrant Workers’ Union – Hong Kong (FMWU)
- Filipino Women Migrant Workers Association – Hong Kong (FILWOM-HK)
- Foundation for Women, Thailand
- Friends of Bethune House (FBH), Hong Kong
- GABRIELA Hong Kong
- GABRIELA Philippines
- Good Shepherd Sisters, Malaysia
- Health Equity Initiatives (HEI), Malaysia
- Housing Rights Task Force, Cambodia
- Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB)
- Human Security Alliance (HSA)
- International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF)
- IMA Research Foundation, Bangladesh
- INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development )
- Institute for National and Democratic Studies (INDIES)
- International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
- Jakarta Legal Aid Institute, Indonesia
- JERIT, Malaysia
- Karmojibi Nari , Bangladesh
- Kalyanamitra, Indonesia
- Kav La’Oved , Israel
- Kilusang Mayo Uno Labor Center
- Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu (Independent Committee for Election Monitoring), Indonesia
- Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW), Cambodia
- LLG Cultural Development Centre, Malaysia
- Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET)
- Malaysian Election Observers Network (MEO-Net)
- MakeItfair
- MAP Foundation, Thailand
- Maquila Solidarity Network, Canada
- May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights, NY-USA
- Migrant CARE, Indonesia
- Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
- Migrant Trade Union, Korea (MTU)
- Migrante International
- National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders, Nepal
- Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia (NAMM)
- National League For Democracy (Liberated Area )[ NLD(LA)], Malaysia
- Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO)
- Peduli Buruh Migran, Indonesia
- Penang Watch, Malaysia
- People’s Green Coalition
- Pergerakan Indonesia
- Perkumpulan PRAXIS, Indonesia
- Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti, Selangor (EMPOWER)
- Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
- Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
- Pinatud a Saleng ti Umili (PSU)
- Pusat KOMAS, Malaysia
- Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam
- Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
- Sedane Labour Resource Center/(Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane), Indonesia
- Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI)
- Shan Women Action Network (SWAN), Thailand
- Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
- Solidaritas Perempuan (Women’s Solidarity for Human Rights), Indonesia
- SOS(Save Ourselves), Malaysia
- Suaram, Malaysia
- Tenaganita, Malaysia
- Thai Committee for Refugees Foundation (TCR)
- The Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec, Canada
- The GoodElectronics Network
- Think Centre (Singapore)
- UNIMIG (Union Migrant Indonesia)
- United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-MIGRANTE-HK)
- United Pangasinan in Hong Kong (UPHK)
- Urban Community Mission (UCM Jakarta), Indonesia
- Vietnam Committee on Human Rights
- WARBE Development Foundation, Bangladesh
- Women Forum for Women, Nepal
- Women Legal BUREAU, Philippines
- WOREC, Nepal
- Workers Assistance Center, Inc (WAC), Philippines
- Workers Hub For Change (WH4C)
- Yasanti
- Yayasan LINTAS NUSA (Batam Indonesia)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Employment Amendments - All about making labour suppliers employers - not about protecting 'contract worker' rights
Pindaan ini telah dicadang dan disokong oleh National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW) yang mana amalan membekalkan pekerja oleh kontraktor tenaga kerja memang sedia berlaku sejak dahulu sehingga kini terutama di sektor perladangan. NUPW semasa membentangkan kertas kerja di ILO-Asia Pacific Regional Seminar di New Delhi, pada tahun 1997 menyatakan bahawa pendaftaran kontraktor tenaga kerja akan dapat meningkatkan ketelusan dalam sistem ini, memudahkan urusan penguatkuasaan undang-undang buruh, dapat mengurangkan insiden-insiden penindasan hak-hak pekerja yang dibekalkan oleh kontraktor tenaga kerja tersebut.Pertubuhan Buruh Antarabangsa (ILO) pada tahun 1997 dan 1998 juga telah membincangkan isu contract labour dengan panjang lebar dan telah mencadangkan konvensyen dan recommendation mengenai contract labour. Antara lain, cadangan konvensyen tersebut menggariskan tanggungjawab negara-negara anggota ILO untuk mempromosikan hak sama rata di antara contract labour dengan pekerja-pekerja yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, cadangan pindaan ini adalah selaras dengan saranan ILO demi melindungi hak dan kepentingan golongan pekerja yang digaji melalui sistem ini.
And, Mr Minister - the issue is not about protection of contract workers rights for there is no need for this for the rights of all workers including contract workers are already protected by the Employment Act .... there is no need for amendments...
Contract workers - well are not all workers contract workers? Or are you referring to to just those workers on fixed-term or short-term contracts, as compared to workers with security of tenure until retirement....anyway, all these workers rights are already protected by the Employment Act - no need for amendment...
The only purpose of this amendment is (1) to create 'contractors for labour', and legitimize 'illegal' outsourcing labour and/or labour supplier companies, and to (2) make these suppliers of workers into employers, whilst removing the employer obligations from principals/end-users/owner-operators of factories, plantations and workplace ...
{the problem with the Malay language is that both the word 'worker' and 'employee' when translated is 'pekerja' - so if people are debating in parliament, it can be misleading and confusing - ....
All employment agencies, labour suppliers or even 'contractors for labour' were restricted to supplying workers (not their employees) to principals (or end-users or owner-operator of workplaces) then it will be OK.... If the government is concerned - an obligation could be placed on these employment agencies, labour suppliers or even 'contractors for labour' to INFORM the DG of any workers supplied and to whom....33a. (1) A contractor for labour who intends to supply or undertakes to supply any employee shall register with the Director General in the prescribed form within fourteen days before supplying the employee.
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) will hold a nationwide protest next month against what it calls the “legalisation” of modern-day slavery.
This follows a provision in the recently passed Employment (Amend-ment) Act that allows leasing of staff.
MTUC deputy president Mohd Jafar Abdul Majid said workers risk being victimised under the new provision in the Act.
“Allowing companies to source workers through suppliers also pose socio-economic hazards.
“We strongly object to such practices, which promote modern-day slavery,” he said.
Mohd Jafar said it was a matter of grave concern as the rights of workers would be eroded.
“They (the sourced workers) cannot secure permanent jobs and they cannot join unions as they are not directly employed by the company.
“They may also find it difficult to secure bank loans for housing and other purposes, as it would not be clear if their real employer is the supplier or the company that hired them,” he said.
He also questioned how the authorities would stop the suppliers from tapping into the workers’ earnings.
Mohd Jafar said the MTUC welcomes amendments in the Act that benefit the workers but is “fiercely against” the particular provision that erodes the rights of workers.
He said although the amendment had been passed in Parliament, the Human Resources Minister could use his discretion to postpone the implementation.
Mohd Jafar said MTUC will proceed with its plan to hold a nation-wide protest on Nov 3 if the authorities continue to turn a deaf ear to the matter.
Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam had said the amendment to the Act enabled registration of third-party labour suppliers so that action could be taken against any mistreatment of outsourced labour.
The Employment (Amendment) Bill was originally tabled in Parliament in July last year but withdrawn to further refine the amendments.
It was re-tabled at the Dewan Rakyat recently and passed.
The amendments, among others, defined the role of the contractor for labour (to clarify the relationship between principal, contractor and sub-contractors who supply labour), special provisions to address sexual harassment at the workplace, payment for overtime and work on rest days and public holidays.
The amendments also provide for payment of wages, including for maids through bank accounts, and maternity leave benefits for all female employees. - Star, 17/10/2011,MTUC protests ‘legalisation’ of modern-day slavery
Groups working for Foreign Domestic Workers Recommendations to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (21/10/2011)
Foreign Domestic Workers Recommendations to the
ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (21/10/2011)
Firstly, we would like to express our appreciation for the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. However, we are concerned that large numbers of migrants are currently excluded from its protection and therefore strongly urge the inclusion of undocumented migrants and families of all migrants.
We call on AICHR to inform all ASEAN member states of the critical importance of the ILO Convention and Recommendations concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers (No 189) particularly Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma and Singapore, and to persuade all ASEAN member states to ratify the Convention within the coming year.
We express our disappointment over the slow pace by which ASEAN member states are ratifying the UN International Convention for the Protection of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990). We therefore urge AICHR to persuade ASEAN Member States, especially destination countries to also immediately ratify this International Convention.
Following our consultations, we also make the following recommendations. We strongly urge AICHR:
1. To promote the reform of national laws of all ASEAN member states and all regional policies and regulations to recognise domestic work as work.
2. To support the development of mechanisms which provide access to justice for migrants across and beyond borders. These would include among other specialised services, interpretation services, legal assistance, and temporary shelters and the right of migrants to stay and work during legal process.
3. To work with governments to develop social security systems which include migrants.
4. To uphold migrants’ rights to decent work, including the right to change employers, to just wages, to maternity leave, to healthcare and to rest days.
5. To establish national and regional mechanisms and bodies to help ensure that policies and legislation comply with international treaties/conventions.
6. Regarding the recruitment and employment processes, to work towards the abolition of labour outsourcing companies, recruitment agencies and labour suppliers. To ensure employment relationship be by direct hiring[1] that is most beneficial to migrant workers.
7. To ensure that all ASEAN member states provide equal and adequate access to health care and treatment for migrants and their families and remove all mandatory health and pregnancy testing and immediately call a halt to the practice of terminating employment contracts and deporting migrant workers based on health and/or pregnancy status.
8. To promote and protect migrants’ rights to mobility and freedom of movement.
9. To promote and protect migrants’ rights to organize and freedom of association.
10. Arrest, detention and deportation for immigration irregularities should be avoided where possible, but in cases where deportation of migrants is carried out, we call on AICHR to monitor the process to ensure the dignity and safety of migrants during these processes.
11. AICHR and ASEAN member states must ensure the right of every migrant to hold their own passport and documents (travel, identity cards, work permits, contract, etc.). To ensure migrants’ right to be heard and due process. There should not be any termination or cancelation of visas and other legal documents without the presence of the holder (migrant).
12. To ensure that migrants who have been trafficked are entitled to protection and empowerment services. There should be no deportation or detention of victims of trafficking, witnesses and other migrants affected by raids. AICHR and ASEAN member states should ensure the victim’s right to stay and work and ensure their access to adequate remedies and compensation.
13. Lastly, we call on AICHR to urge ASEAN member states to promote women’s livelihood options both at home and abroad, and to ensure that women have access to education and resources and choices in employment.
On behalf of:
United Foreign Domestic Workers Rights
ACHIEVE (Action for Health Initiative) (Philippines)
CARAM Cambodia
Solidaritas Perempuan (Indonesia)
Workers Hub for Change
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
MAP Foundation, Thailand
Mekong Migration Network
INDIES (Indonesia)
ATKI (Indonesia)
Asian Migrants Coordinating Body
Human Rights Working Group (Indonesia)
For further information, please contact:
Ms Khairiah Makata
Phone: +603 2282 7708; +603 2282 1669
Ms Huong Tran
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
[1] ‘Direct hiring’ is defined as the direct employment relationship between employers (owner/operator/end-user /principal employers) AND workers to the exclusion of third parties including labour suppliers.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
End all forms of harassment against human rights defenders in Malaysia
Human Rights groups voice their concern
KUALA LUMPUR: The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), expresses its concern about the outcome of the judicial case against human rights defender Charles Hector Fernandez, who was sued by a company for publishing information regarding the violation of the rights of 31 Burmese migrant workers in Malaysia.
On August 25, 2011, the case against human rights defender Charles Hector Fernandez before the Shah Alam High Court ended in a settlement between the defender and the company that had sued him for civil “defamation”. According to the settlement, Mr Charles Hector Fernandez will pay 1 Malaysian Ringgit in costs and the same amount in damages to the company, and will publish a half-page apology in the Malaysian daily newspapers The Star and Nanyang Siang Pau.
Mr Charles Hector Fernandez was sued in February 2011 by the Japanese-owned company Asahi Kosei, in Selangor, Malaysia, for publishing information on-line regarding the violation of the rights of 31 Burmese migrant workers by this company.
Asahi Kosei Company was demanding a compensation of USD 3.3 million, in addition to a public apology, with the argument that these 31 Burmese workers have not been under their responsibility, as they were supplied to them by an ‘outsourcing agent’ [1]. The Observatory sent an international mission to observe the trial against Mr Charles Hector Fernandez and to investigate the situation of human rights defenders in Malaysia.
“The case of Charles Hector Fernandez shows how powerful corporate interests are taking on and silencing a human rights defender by his horns. Using exorbitant civil libel claims against human rights defenders reporting alleged corporate abuse sends a dangerous precedent with a chilling effect on the legitimate work of human rights defenders,” said Ms Sudha Ramalingam, following the observation of the trial.
The Observatory is concerned that the human rights defender in this case was left with little choice other than accepting a settlement having the effect of sanctioning his activities as a defender of the rights of migrant workers. For many years, Mr Charles Hector Fernandez has provided vital legal assistance to workers and migrants seeking justice.
The Observatory calls upon the authorities of Malaysia to put an end to all forms of harassment against human rights defenders in the country, including through criminal or civil libel laws, and to ensure full conformity with the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and other international and regional instruments ratified by Malaysia.
The Observatory also reminds private actors including business enterprises, of their responsibility of respecting human rights and exercising due diligence to avoid complicity in abusing human rights in countries where they operate. - Herald Malaysia Online, 19/9/2011, Human Rights groups voice their concern
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Why 'Sexual Harassment' proposed amendments to Employment Act must be withdrawn?
Why 'Sexual Harassment' proposed amendments to Employment Act must be withdrawn?
2) What happens if the worker is unhappy with the decision of the employer or the outcome of the inquiry - can the worker go for an appeal against the decision or a 'judicial review' in the Labour Court/High Court? Well, it looks like there is NO RIGHT OF APPEAL against the decision of the 'Employer Inquiry" or even the decisions of the DG on sexual harrasment except it falls under 81d(4), being where alleged perpetrator is employer who is a sole proprietor, and the DG has conducted the inquiry.
And for perpetrators, both employees or employers..., there is no talk about paying suitable compensation to victims, and/or even making an apology to the victim.
Now, they want to introduce 'contractors for labour' - what happens if the perpetrator is an employee of some other employer ( i.e. contractors, sub-contractors or this new 'contractor for labour' (the outsourcing agent), if they allow it) - what will happen? With regard to these 'outsourced workers' of an outsourcing agent - who is sexually harassed by an employee of a factory - so who conducts the inquiry? the employer of the victim or the employer of the perpetrator???
81e. (1) Where the Director General decides under subsection 81d(4) that sexual harassment is proven, the complainant may terminate his contract of service without notice.(2) If the complainant terminates the contract of service under subsection (1), the complainant is entitled to—(a) wages as if the complainant has given the notice of the termination of contract of service; and(b) termination benefits and indemnity,as provided for under the Act or the contract of service, as the case may be.
77. Appeal against Director General's order to High Court.(1) If any person whose financial interests are affected is dissatisfied with the decision or order of the Director General under section 69, 69B, 69C or 73 such person may appeal to the High Court.
Proposed Amendment of section 7725. Subsection 77(1) of the principal Act is amended by substituting for the words “or 73” the words“,73 or subsection 81d(4)”.
What happens to persons unhappy with decisions made pursuant to subsection 81b(5)...or even 81c(1) or 81d(1)- should they also not have the right to appeal to the High Court under section 77?
New Part XVa27. The principal Act is amended by inserting after Part XV the following Part:
“Part XVa SEXUAL HARASSMENTInterpretation81a. For the purposes of this Part, “complaint of sexual harassment” means any complaint relating to sexual harassment made—(i) by an employee against another employee;(ii) by an employee against any employer; or(iii) by an employer against an employee.Inquiry into complaints of sexual harassment81b.(1) Upon receipt of a complaint of sexual harassment, an employer or any class of employers shall inquire into the complaint in a manner prescribed by the Minister.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), where an employer refuses to inquire into the complaint of sexual harassment as required under subsection (1), he shall, as soon as practicable but in any case not later than thirty days after the date of the receipt of the complaint, inform the complainant of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal in writing.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), an employer may refuse to inquire into any complaints of sexual harassment as required under subsection (1), if—(a) the complaint of sexual harassment has previously been inquired into and no sexual harassment has been proven; or(b) the employer is of the opinion that the complaint of sexual harassment is frivolous, vexatious or is not made in good faith.
(4) Any complainant who is dissatisfied with the refusal of the employer to inquire into his complaint of sexual harassment, may refer the matter to the Director General.
(5) The Director General after reviewing the matter referred to him under subsection (4)—(a) if he thinks the matter should be inquired into, direct the employer to conduct an inquiry; or(b) if he agrees with the decision of the employer not to conduct the inquiry, inform the person who referred the matter to him that no further action will be taken.Findings of inquiry by employer81c. (1) Where the employer conducts an inquiry into a complaint of sexual harassment Received under subsection 81b(1) and the employer is satisfied that sexual harassment is proven, the employer shall—(a) in the case where the person against whom the complaint of sexual harassment is made is an employee, take disciplinary action which may include the following:(i) dismissing the employee without notice;(ii) downgrading the employee; or(iii) imposing any other lesser punishment as he deems just and fit, and where the punishment of suspension without wages is imposed, it shall not exceed a period of two weeks; and(b) in the case where the person against whom the complaint of sexual harassment is made is a person other than an employee, recommend that the person be brought before an appropriate disciplinary authority to which the person is subject to.Complaints of sexual harassment made to the Director General81d. (1) If a complaint of sexual harassment is made to the Director General, the Director General shall assess the complaint and may direct an employer to inquire into such complaint.
(2) The employer shall inquire into the complaint of sexual harassment when directed to do so under subsection (1) and submit a report of the inquiry to the Director General within thirty days from the date of such direction.
(3) If a complaint of sexual harassment received by the Director General is made against an employer who is a sole proprietor, the Director General shall inquire into such complaint himself in a manner prescribed by the Minister.
(4) Upon inquiry by the Director General of the complaint of sexual harassment under subsection (3), the Director General shall decide if sexual harassment is proven or not and such decision shall be informed to the complainant as soon as practicable.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the Director General may refuse to inquire into any complaint of sexual harassment received under subsection (3), if—(a) the complaint of sexual harassment has previously been inquired into by the Director General and no sexual harassment has been proven; or(b) the Director General is of the opinion that the complaint of sexual harassment is frivolous, vexatious or is not made in good faith.
(6) Where the Director General refuses to inquire into the complaint of sexual harassment received under subsection (3), he shall, as soon as practicable but in any case not later than thirty days after the date of the receipt of the complaint, inform the complainant of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal in writing.Effects of decisions of the Director General81e. (1) Where the Director General decides under subsection 81d(4) that sexual harassment is proven, the complainant may terminate his contract of service without notice.
(2) If the complainant terminates the contract of service under subsection (1), the complainant is entitled to —(a) wages as if the complainant has given the notice of the termination of contract of service; and(b) termination benefits and indemnity,as provided for under the Act or the contract of service, as the case may be.Offence81f. Any employer who fails—(a) to inquire into complaints of sexual harassment under subsection 81b(1);(b) to inform the complainant of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal as required under subsection 81b(2);(c) to inquire into complaints of sexual harassment when directed to do so by the Director General under paragraph 81b(5)(a) or subsection 81d(2); or(d) to submit a report of inquiry into sexual harassment to the Director General under subsection 81d(2); commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit.